Monday, May 22, 2006

The classless communion

First day at school
And the class seemed full
We were taught our first lesson
in the early morning session
my mates learnt their ABC
while I learnt my OBC

School is almost over
I am a science lover
I asked my seniors for advice
and got a college of my choice
with help from a certificate
other than my matriculate

My parents wanted a doctor
but I would be an engineer
I wanted to build bridges
Over scattered plateaus and ridges
yes engineering is what I deserved
for my seat from birth was reserved

Studies over and I am a success
Wealth and position are in excess
Some People threw veiled aspersion
called me a product of reservation
All my life's labour lost
My struggle is now but a ghost

I am old and I am sick
doctors say it'll only be a week
I died with my family at my side
They prayed for me as they cried
could it be that my crematorium
was really my eluding sanatorium

In death I was desegregated
With all humanity, integrated
For once, there was no special pyre
All were burnt in the same fire
My life as I look back and see
Was a life reserved, but I died free

-------Anti Reservation-----------

Summer of 2006